The Ray's

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Feel Great in Eight...

Chris and I took on the Feel Great in Eight Healthy Lifestyle Contest on January 2.
We are finishing up our last week, halleluiah! It has been a great 8 weeks but we are definitely ready for a little break.

What do you ask is FG8? Well, let me tell you...
We each paid $20 to enter
the contest which is full of healthy and spiritual needs that are to be met daily to receive points.

3 fiber
2 protein
3 fruits
2 dairy
64oz water
vitamin supplements
60 min exercise
"3 hour fast" - no eating before bed
staying within your caloric range
keeping a food journal
meeting your weight goal weekly - whether that is losing, gaining or maintaining

scripture reading
morning & evening prayer
weekly FHE
giving up an addition (mine was facebook, Chris' was texting/reading while driving)

There is also a "daily calendar" which is given by the person heading up the contest.
Some of the tasks have been:
complementing 5 strangers
reconnecting with an old friend
a new exercise
a good deed/service to a stranger

At the end of the 8 weeks your points are totaled and there is a 1st, 2nd & 3rd place cash winner. The more people who play the bigger the $ prize. Chris and I are in for 2nd and 3rd place. I accidentally missed being tied for 1st by 1/2 a vegetable! Can you believe it?! I was so bugged at myself for being so careless - it just proves how important the food journal is.

Chris and I have really enjoyed doing this together. It has been a great jump start to getting back on track with our healthy eating habits. My healthy eating went by the wayside when I became preggers. :/

In the last 7 weeks I have lost 12.5 lbs, the last of my baby weight, yippie!!!
Chris is on his way to meeting his goal as well.

We are excited for a little time off but will be following the same idea pretty closely. In April we plan on starting it up again and heading it ourselves. Anyone interested??? :)


LucyH said...

Hey! I saw your comment on my blog and just wanted to say thank you for your kind words. I decided to go ahead and follow your blog if thats okay. I have heard of the contest you are doing and congrats for doing so well! I will have to join in one of these times. Anyways thanks again!

Anonymous said...

Don't laugh too hard, but I was really excited to see that Chris is not texting while driving, although it is still not a good idea for me to be in his car… or anyone's really ;)

We miss you guys. I will try to talk Taylor into participating in April with you guys.