The Ray's

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Worlds...

Best Daughters Ever!

I came home from the gym this morning to see this stuck in the front door.
It immediately brought a smile to my face.

I opened it and it read...
What!?!?! Are you kidding me!?!

It is 7am and I HAVE to come inside to get Ry dressed, fed and off to school in less than an hour!

Ry then peaks through the shutters just a crack and I ask "Am I supposed to stay out here all day?" She responds with "Just for a few minutes." She then closes the shutters back up and takes off. What on earth is she up to?

I give her a few minutes then ring the door bell. She opens the door but tells me NOT to come in. I see that she is completely ready for school! This is very rare. I am usually on her all morning to get dressed and ready for school - it is quite a task to get done. After a few more minutes both girls come running around the corner. They are announcing with much pride and excitement that they are dressed, fed the dogs and cleaned the house!!!
Who are these girls and what have they done with my daughters!?!?!

They welcomed me in and I couldn't have had a bigger smile on my face. I hugged and kissed them both and let them know how grateful I was for the wonderful surprise. They truly made my day and I am so happy to have these two wonderful girls in my life.


Brittany said...

How sweet is that! Wonder how old my girls will be when they start doing stuff like that. Don't think it will be any time soon since I still just about everything for them still. There's always wishful thinking right.....?

heidi said...

sooo sweet

Powers Family said...

Wow! That is so neat. What darling girls you have.